How to place an order

To place an order with Pine-apple, you need to complete a few simple steps;

Create an account
To place an order with Pine-apple, you need to create an account. Pine-apple is a wholesaler supplier selling directly to retailers. If you are a private customer, please visit the Dealer page for your nearest sales outlet. 
To create an account, click on ‘new customer´ in the top right corner of the page. Enter your details to create a profile. Once you have registered, your customer ID number will be emailed to you.

Address details
To place an order, you will need to enter the billing address and the delivery address. If you wish to receive the items at another address, you can specify a different delivery address to the billing address.

Order items
On the selected item, click on  ‘order ‘. You will now be directed to the product page, with contains additional information. Select the correct size, if applicable, and enter the desired quantity in the ‘quantity’ box. Click on ‘add to shopping cart’. The item has now been added to your shopping cart. You can now continue shopping, and add additional items to your shopping cart.

When you have finished shopping, click on ‘show shopping cart’ in the top right corner, under the shopping cart header.

Checking order
Check the details of your order. This option allows you to change the following information;

Change quantity:
to alter the quantity, change the number in the ‘quantity’ box and click on the ‘recalculate’ button.
Remove product:
to remove the product from your shipping cart, click on ‘x’ on the product line.
Add product:
to add products to your shopping cart, click on ‘continue shopping’ in the bottom left corner of the page.

Check that all your details are correct, and click on ‘proceed to payment’.

Order confirmation
Click on ‘confirm order’ to confirm your order.

Pine-apple BV
Van de Berch van
Heemstedeweg 21-F
2215 RK Voorhout
The Netherlands

Tel:  +31 (0)252 228888